Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Move In Day

Tomorrow is the big day.... movers here by noon! Tile done, wood flooring in, painting... well, mostly done, carpets cleaned, refrigerator coming tomorrow and cable on Friday. Bought a flat screen TV already and have made several trips to Bed, Bath and Beyond. We're READY!

We haven't even moved in and we've already done some much.  We bought the house with unfinished floors.  The previous owner had laid tile, but had NOT grouted it.  He had also purchased hardwood for the living and dining areas, but not laid it (these rooms were carpeted).  So we took the few days we had before moving in and got some work done! Tile is DONE, floroing is DONE, walls that REALLY needed some love are DONE.  New TV BOUGHT (our old rear projection TV did NOT make the move and is making some kids happy at a Youth Center in Santa Paula).  New washer/dryer pedastals BOUGHT.  New refrigerators BOUGHT. 

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