Saturday, March 31, 2012

Go Carts, Bunnies, and Earings OH MY

Sping is the time time for change, right?  Well SLOW DOWN PEOPLE.  There are many changes going on in the Thompson world!

Peggy got her ears pierced.  She did great, smiled thru the WHOLE thing.  And today Sarah helped her take the studs out and put in "real" earings.  I don't which touched me more.... Sarah helping or the fact my BABY has earings. 

The Thompson Zoo continued to grow this month..... Sarah got a bunny.  Graham Cracker joined us a few weeks ago and is very happy in his homemade hutch (Dave and Sarah built it TOGETHER!).  So now we have a husband, three kids, a dog, a turtle, two bearded dragons, and a bunny.  Did I mention Dave wants a puppy? 

Lastly, YIKES.  David got a GoCart TODAY.  Good old Craigslist.  He broke open his Mario bank (literally, he had to smash it to get the $70+ dollars out of it) and used his birthday money to buy a REAL GoCart.  So far just a few quick spins around the local parking lot.  It started to rain so we had to  put it away.

Bottom line.... they are growing up fast. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to meet GC. 4 more days