Sunday, August 15, 2010

2010 In Review

Need more updates from the Thompsons? Join Facebook! Really, that's where the good stuff is. Obviously I don't get around to updating this site very often! But I'm trying!

Just returned from a great 6 day camping trip at Shaver Lake... check out the slideshow.

School starts in one week.... where did the summer go? It went to the beach, Boston, the library, the fair, and the lake! It had cousins visit and a couple of trip to Mimi's pool. It didn't make it to ANY water park... near or far. The kids are kinda bummed about that one.

This fall starts a whole new adventure for all of us on many fronts. David is playing football! TACKLE football. HE LOVES IT! Peggy is playing AYSO soccer with Dave as her coach. Sarah is continuing her private swim lessons.

The big news is that Peggy starts KINDERGARTEN! She's so excited!

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