If you haven't joined.... DO IT. There is finally a social networking outlet that has IMPROVED my life! From Wiki (another tool I couldn't live without): "Pinterest's mission is to 'connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting' via a global platform of inspiration and idea sharing." It's a public bulletin board! Find a recipe you like, PIN IT. Find a chair you want to buy someday, PIN IT. See a beautilful place you NEED to visit before you pass on the next life, PIN IT. The best part abou it, you can ORGANIZE you ideas, likes, desires! It's an organizational freak's dream come true!
The one thing I haven't figured out how to do is to share how I've used the site. I have started a board, I DID THIS, to showcase the ideas I've taken from Pinterest and actually used in my life. But I want to show my OWN pictures!
For example, we made a book sling for Peggy's room (idea from this blog that was PINNED on Pinterest by someone I don't even know). No pictures yet, haven't hung it up. I also took a cleaning tip and shined my shower! Check out my photos! I also made Easter Brunch for the family.... ALL recipes came from Pinterest! I've become little Suzie Homemaker for the 21st century!