Sunday, November 9, 2008

Busy Busy Busy....

We have new floors! We had fun the night before the hard wood floors were installed. We let the kids loose with markers ot color on the carpet! We were VERY clear that this was a once in a lifetime thing!

Sarah is back from her 4 day cruise to Mexico! She and Nana had a great time! This was Sarah's birthday present from Nana.

Good Times and Good Friends

We've completed our whirlwind of parties. Peggy turned 3 with a handful of bunnies, the entire family came for the whole host of Oct/Nov birthdays in our family, Sarah's party was a royal sucess and lastly an evening hosting friends for our dear friend Phil. Now I'm sitting in a messy house, completely content since no one will entering our house for at least another two weeks.

I've included some photos and here are some promoting links for the wonderful support we had for the girls' birthdays: PartiAnimalz and Aurora Face Painting

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Happy All Souls Day to you all. Just wanted to share our Halloween frights with you. This yea we were blessed with an Indiana Jones, a Southern Fairy, and a lady bug that magically turned into Sleeping Beauty. Once again we have more candy than is necessary to feed a family of 65.

I also have pitures that I will upload from Peggy's farm themed birthday party. A local farm brought bunnies, chickens and a couple of poodles to the house. Peggy LOVED it! She also got a new tricycle for her birthday. She's out riding it now!

View our photos HERE